Learning how to sell is just like any other skill. There are some people who have it naturally, but the majority of people have to learn it.
So how do we fill the gap between having no idea how to sell, to knowing how to sell anything? It’s starts with getting…
This is the first step. If you want to sell a product, a service, an idea, or even a message, you need information. You need data that supports the logical and emotional reasons why somebody should buy whatever you’re selling.
For example, if you wanted to sell laundry baskets, be prepared to learn everything you can about those baskets. You’ll need to know the manufacturing history of the product. You have to know exactly who your ideal customer is. And you have to know what your competitors are selling, where they’re selling it, and for how much. The most important piece of information you need to know is what specific problems it solves for your buyers. That’s it.
People don’t believe what they hear. They believe what they see. And if you don’t look the part, you’ll never make a sale.
Perception is the key to learning how to sell anything. This not only your personal perception. It’s also about the perception of your business. This is again Why Marketing Matters in Business.
A lot of people think this means spending a bunch of money in order to “fake it until you make it”. That’s far from the truth. You need to worry about looking presentable, not rich.
Get a haircut and shape up your beard. Clean the soles of your shoes and buy yourself a brush for that messy hair. Use Listerine more often and spray cologne before you walk out the house. These are the basic things that people who struggle with selling don’t do.
We’ve all heard the saying. When you look good, you feel good. And when you feel good, you get good results. It’s the truth. Perception often times is equivalent to reality. So if you want to learn how to sell anything, improve your appearance and it’ll send all the right signals to whomever you’re selling.
Conviction is cold blooded, undeniable confidence. This naturally happens once you are 100% sold on what you’re selling. If you’re not sold, it’ll show.
The key is for this to be believable. You have to speak up. Speak with a purpose. You’re selling something that you believe in so this isn’t the time to be reserved or shy.
You cannot be stuttering, mumbling, or appearing unsure in any way. You must be well rehearsed and prepared to answer questions without hesitating. You must be able to hold eye contact. And you must be able to assertively explain why they need to buy whatever you’re selling. This is how you get them to sign on the dotted lines.
Obviously, this is all easier said than done. But the key is to not skip any steps. If you spent enough time getting informed and improving your perception, conviction will happen naturally.