Sales is math. And appointments are the common denominator. The more appointments you set, the more clients you’ll get in front of. And the more clients you get in front of, the more deals you can close. It’s that simple.
Now some of you may be saying “I hate cold calling”. Well, if you hate the cold call, I recommend reading Cold Calling Techniques by Stephan Schiffman. It’ll drastically improve your soft skills around dealing with people over the phone. And you will become more confident as a result, guaranteed.
Nonetheless, here is my bullet proof appointment close that you can use to set more appointments and grow your business.
Down The Street Close
Salesperson: “Mr. Buyer, Good Morning. This is Dave Omach with ABC Company, how are you?
Client: “Good, how can I help you?”
Salesperson: “Mr. Buyer I just helped John Smith at XYZ Company increase revenue by over 50% in 3 months with my product. I’m going to be down the street from you next Tuesday and wanted to stop by and show you how we got those results. Will you be in the office around 9 or 11 on Tuesday?
Client: “Not interested etc. etc. etc. “bad time. I’m busy” My dog ate my homework” Literally does not matter the objection
Salesperson: “Not a problem John, At the end of the day, what really matters is if my product can actually deliver those kind of results, right?
Client: “Well, yes”
Salesperson: Mr. Buyer, if I could show you how this product is 5-10X more valuable than the investment it takes to get it, would you give me 15 minutes on Tuesday?
Client: How much does it cost?
Salesperson: Mr. buyer, It won’t cost you anything if it doesn’t do exactly what you need it to do. How’s 9 AM on Tuesday, or is 11 better for you?
Client: Ok. 11
Salesperson: Great, I’ll see you then. Hang up.
After The Appointment is Set
Even if you know how to sell anything, stop selling. Do not drag out the conversation. The task has already been completed. The prospect agreed to meet with you to discuss your solution. The only thing left to do is confirm logistics.
Remember, prospects are busy. They don’t want to continue speaking to a stranger that just disrupted their day.