Delusional Optimism


Delusional Optimism

In order to achieve the impossible, you need Delusional Optimism.

Delusional Optimism is the tangible feeling we get inside the depths of our stomachs that inspires us to never quit trying regardless of the presence of obstacles.

“Those people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that actually do” – Steve Jobs


We all want to accomplish something in life. Short term and long term goals. Whether its doubling our income in a year, getting out of a bad relationship, leaving a stressful job, quitting an unhealthy habit, starting that business venture, moving to a new city, or maybe it’s just finding true peace in the midst of chaos. Whatever it may be, we cannot underestimate the importance of mindset. It’s the measurable degree of separation those who achieve, have compared to those who fail.

In order to achieve our goals, its mandatory that we believe in our ability to do something we’ve never done. The belief that we are willing to put in whatever amount of work is required to achieve the goal. It requires Delusional Optimism.


Ultra successful people in business and in life, typically have a high tolerance for risk. They’re willing to jump out of a plane without a parachute, trusting that they can build one on the way down.

This is a habit that you’ll typically find amongst monsterpreneurs. It’s starts as a mindset, and evolves into a full blown habit. Unwavering belief in the face of any obstacle. This is the essence of Delusional Optimism.

Never Quit

Quitting is perhaps the most important element of Delusional Optimism. 80% of people who face something too challenging will eventually quit. That’s the difference between those who win in the end vs. those who lose. It’s about one’s willingness to persist through endless pain. It’s about driving your car full speed at night with a blindfold on, trusting you won’t crash. It’s about relentless belief in yourself that you can figure this thing out. It’s about ignoring unsolicited opinions of others who claim to know best for you.

In order to achieve the impossible, you need Delusional Optimism.